Time: a bit more than one hour, morning run
Surface: grass/asphalt/dirt
Weather Conditions: chilly, 40's
Location: Middlesburg, Fla.
Comments: Cold as the bejezus at the start. 36 degrees or so. To make matters worse, I woke up very stiff. I stretched extra but still it was tough going to get going. Pretty much stumbled through it to begin with.
Just when I thought it would be a complete disaster of a run it evened out. At about the 25 minute mark I found the right stride and ten minutes later dropped into a good pace for the first time since starting running again. From that point on I was able to concentrate on the technical aspects of my stride and measure my gait rather than simple survival.
I toyed with the idea of tacking on another half hour but didn't think it would be a good idea to push the knee that much. No real problems out of it this run at all.
Due to travel and my training schedule, I think I am going to skip two days and run again on Wednesday. The extra rest will probably be good for the knee and I need to start integrating the strength exercises into my schedule as well