Saturday, May 5, 2007

Week Wrapup

Total Distance: unk
Total Time: 1.5 hours

Comments: After the unpleasantness with the hip yesterday I again opted for a two-day layoff this weekend. While three half-hour sessions a week is a drop in the bucket from the miles I was putting in the second half of last year, it's just too iffy right now to take a chance on doing much more.I went walking a bit this morning and while the hip was no big problem there is a decided tightness in my right calf that has persisted long after the achy muscle soreness has ebbed off. It makes sense that a problem there is an antecedent to this thing with the hip. A review of the blog shows this could be the case for the ongoing hip struggles that beset me in December and up to the time of the marathon.I also discovered that I have been running without my orthopedic heel insert

Friday, May 4, 2007

Fitness Run

Time: 30 min
Distance: unk
Pace: unk

Comments: Got going early today and decided to hit the road even though it was a touch closer to rush hour than I like. Luckily, I got to the malencon before things got too bad. Since the Wednesday run, my calves have still been sore but less so. On the other hand there was a very troubling development at about the 5 minute mark. My ass started to hurt.Well, not my whole ass, it was my right butt cheek, to be exact. And it was a very familiar hurt. That ""low thrumming ache that followed the gluteus maximus around the hip that preceded the four hours of torture on Jan. 14. I decided to stick with it since this was a relatively

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Fitness Run

Time: 30 min
Distance: unk
Pace: unk

Comments: I was rather stiff getting going today. My tippy-toe effort on Monday left me with a heaping helping of lactic acid in my calves and they weren't happy about the situation. So it took a bit to convince them to get into the full range of motion heading out.But things loosened up pretty quickly. The major upside of the stiffness was that it kept me from starting at too fast a pace, something I think I have been doing since getting going again. Today was a bit of an effort most of the way. I had to work at it rather than just hop on for the ride like the days before. That said, I didn't have to struggle to finish like last week either.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Fitness Run

Time: 30 min
Distance: unk
Pace: unk

Comments: Going out today I resolved to keep things under control and to focus on technique. Shorter strides and proper footfalls. I started getting antsy about ten minutes in and fell into a ball-heel footstrike to accommodate it. The idea was to force myself into the proper form prescribed in
The Competitive Runner's Handbook. Drive off the back foot, Drive Up with the knees and Drive Down with the arms. About ten minutes after that I got that fun little stabby feeling in both calves. Not and injury kind of pain but a ""Hello! Remember us?"" kind of pain you get for laying off working out a long period of time.The last five minutes of the run (I went 30 minutes instead of 20 like last week) were pretty tough but in a good way. A real effort to keep in control and focused that felt very good both during and after