Friday, January 31, 2020

Fitness Run

Distance: 4.04 miles
Time: 39:43
Pace: 9:50 min/mi

Comments: The work schedule nuked my running plans for the week so getting this one in was a priority. I took the long lunch and got it done. It's been a tad chilly but the intermittent sunshine kept the edge off for this run.

Once again, I focused on cadence and, again, I cranked out almost the whole thing in sub-long-run effort (Zone 3). Honestly, I thought more of it was going to be in Zone 5 but whatever.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Fitness Run

Distance: 4.06 miles
Time: 39:19
Pace: 9:41 min/mi

Comments: Initially, I planned to do a run the day after the long run as a recovery effort. I was pretty achy yesterday and decided to pass on that attempt and do the run today. That probably was the right idea.

Despite the soreness/tiredness of the past day or so, I felt pretty good about this one. My legs felt strong from start to finish and my conditioning seems to be better as well. This turned out to be a bit more effort heart-rate-wise but, conversely, didn't feel nearly as hard to complete.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Long Run

Distance: 10.16 miles
Time: 1:49:34
Pace: 10:47 min/mile

Comments: First double-digit-mile run in, yeesh... months. March 24 of last year, to be exact. The goal today was just get the distance. The secondary goal was to negative split. So I got out early and started slooooow.

The uphills on the start of the White Rock Lake course kind of make a slow start necessary but I wasn't taking any chances. Even when it started leveling out, I didn't do anything crazy.

At the halfway point I let myself up the pace but that got tempered by the hills on the east side of the lake. For the last few miles I opened it up a little bit, but not a hard run by any means. In any case, I got the ten miles and I got the negative split so, bully me.