Friday, July 11, 2014

Conditioning Work

This workout went a bit better than the last one but I still feel a bit scattered in my attempts to keep up. I get a pretty good effort but sticking with each exercise is a struggle and, more often than not, I'm having to ease up to finish the time.

I stayed rather wary of my right hip this time and it gave a murmur now and then but didn't give me the "HEY! Cut it out!" warning like last time. After this one it was pretty clear my quads and butt got a lot of the emphasis of the effort. Not as much upper body work as the previous ones, though.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Training Run

Distance: 4.0 miles
Time: 36:13
Pace: 9:02

Comments: I started this one out purposefully slow in order to avoid the burnout issue from Tuesday. This strategy worked quite well. I am starting to feel some of the payoff condition-wise and the bulk of the run went very smoothly.

I didn't look at the Garmin on purpose until the final mile when I stepped up the pace a bit. That proved to be about 8:30 so I made an effort to hold it there the whole mile. I got slowed down a bit when I went off the sidewalk to avoid some geese but pushed it the final quarter to finish at 8:20 pace. Not bad.

Hour: 6:15 a.m.
Surface: concrete
Weather: clear
Temperature: 80 degrees
Humidity: 58 percent
Wind: nada
Location: Lewisville, Texas
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GT 14

Injury update: I was pretty concerned that my hip issue from yesterday might carry over to today but it seems that wasn't the case. There was no problem whatsoever on this run thus bolstering my theory that it's the side-to-side motion that aggravated it. Still, I'm going to be wary.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Conditioning Work

Made it out to the Camp Gladiator workout again. Like the last time, it totally kicked my ass but not in the most positive way this time. During the second set of exercises my right hip decided not to cooperate. I eased back on it but it really wasn't happy with doing the side-to-side work. Not a surprise, really, give everything I've done has been straight on running. Torque is a new complication for my muscles and my tendons.

I tried to keep up by avoiding the exercises that would aggravate it and substituting ones that wouldn't. I did a lot of burpees as a result. But my other issue was that I didn't have the umph this time I did last time. That's not surprising given my body is still trying to catch up with the new workload but it was a bit disappointing.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Recovery Run

Distance: 2.5 miles
Time: 21:38
Pace: 8:30 

Comments: I cut this one off early for a number of reasons. First is that I probably pushed it a bit too hard at the start. The conditioning workout and long run have started to pay dividends, which is nice, but I've got a long way to go in the stamina department. Pushing too hard would only be asking for trouble. Which leads to reason two: I do not want to go into tomorrow's conditioning workout flat spent. This is the first of a four-day run of workouts and I'd best not screw it up on the front end.

Outside of the rationalizations the fact is it was hot and miserable and the allergic reaction on my legs still itches like all hell when I run. I also got up late and am a bit pressed for time. Still, the quicker pace was nice and, even better, I had the first sense of control over the run in awhile. But this comes with a price and my body ain't quite ready to pay it. Also, I have to get a solid dinner if I have any hope to survive these morning workouts.

Hour: 6:10 a.m.
Surface: concrete
Weather: overcast
Temperature: 79 degrees
Humidity: 70 percent
Wind: nada
Location: Lewisville, Texas
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GT 14

Injury update: Nada

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Long Run

Distance: 6.0 miles 
Time: 57:11
Pace: 9:31

Comments: So the conditioning workout pretty much whipped my ass. I was pretty creaky the rest of the day and downright sore the next. My quads were feeling the the worst but there were delightful spots of ache waiting to be discovered ever time I moved.

It wasn't a lot better this morning. Getting out of bed was rough and getting started on the run even more so. Making matters worse, I'm allergic to something and my legs have broken out. So the first mile was pretty much an achy, stiff, itchy, sore pile of awful. It got better, but not dramatically so.

The goal here was just to get the six miles in whatever the time. And even though the temperature/humidity was a little better than my last run it felt worse. This was a slog from start to finish with a few nice hills thrown in for sheer sadism. Still, I got through it with a reasonable pace and didn't have that regrettable 'just walk the rest of the way' impulse. Poco y poco.

Hour: 6:00 a.m.
Surface: concrete
Weather: partly cloudy
Temperature: 75 degrees
Humidity: 78 percent
Wind: nada
Location: Lewisville, Texas
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GT 14

Injury update: Nada