Distance: 6.5 kilometers (4 miles)
Time: 30 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: overcast, cool, 60s, noon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Comments: I skipped yesterday's run due to an ache in the outside of my right foot. It's a persistant bruise-like feeling at the bump midway down the foot. It didn't feel too bad this morning so I went out for the 30 minute run planned for yesterday.
I was scheduled to run it at an 8 minute mile pace but I found myself pushing it a bit harder. Probably at 3/4 race pace or a little bit quicker. It was pretty damned tough and I nearly gave up on it at several points, the last five minutes particularly. But I got through OK and with a pretty good feeling afterwards about the amount of effort.
On the downside, the ache - which was not there at the onset of the run - gradually showed back up again. Never to the point I was limping or changing my stride but enough that know I need to really concentrate on taking care of it. So, it looks like the twice-a-day ice pack switches to the other foot for awhile.
Distance: 9.5 kilometers (5.9 miles)Time: 45 minutesSurface: asphalt/concreteWeather Conditions: cool, overcast, 60s, mid-afternoon runLocation: Miraflores, Lima, PeruComments: And thus, winter returneth. The burst of regular cold air bumping into the unseasonably warm temperatures gave us a bit of rain last night - a real rarity in Lima. So it was clear and crisp when I went out for the run in the afternoon.I really felt like this was one of my first real "runs." I started and kept up a strong pace the whole way without backing off or flagging. That might be due to the new two-days-on-one-off schedule or eating better, I'm not sure. The left foot soreness was completely absent but the little toe blister issue continued, but not nearly as bad today. I am convinced the latter is sweat-related now. And, most likely, my alteration of my stride for the tenderness screwed up my footfalls.
Distance: 8.9 kilometers (5.5 miles)Time: 45 minutesSurface: asphalt/concreteWeather Conditions: sunny, warm, 70s, noon runLocation: Miraflores, Lima, PeruComments: Another great day to be out running. It's like a wonderful bit of spring here in the middle of Lima's long horrible winter. I didn't have the pain in my left foot this morning so I decided to give it a go.I had a pretty good pace most of the way. There was an uncomfortable bit at the start where I felt like I didn't have the energy for the run but it passed and I actually felt really good the rest of the way. It was clear and a nice cool breeze off the ocean and you could see forever. The downside was the blisters and the ache in the foot. I relaced both shoes this morning and applied a lot of powder but I can't really tell if it helped much. Neither problem was any worse today but not a heck of a lot better either.
Distance: 10.5 kilometers (6.52 miles)Time: 1 hourSurface: asphalt/concrete, dirtWeather Conditions: warm, 70s, sunny, noon runLocation: Miraflores/Barranco/Chorillos, Lima, PeruComments: I headed out fully expecting another drab and grey Lima day and - lo and behold! - an almost springlike afternoon blossomed. Unfortunately, I got caught with my long-sleeve running shirt and it got a tad warm. But that's a small price to pay, in my estimation.
This was a simply wonderful run. Started good with lots of energy and took it down the hill onto the beach and pointed myself south. I got to the promenade in Chorillos at around the half-hour mark so I turned it around and headed back.
My pace wasn't anything incredible but I wasn't trying to break records. It's been a bit since I ran a full hour and I just wanted to get into the groove and crank it out. It felt good most of the way but the big push up the cliffside at the end was almost too much for me.Now the bad news. I got a blister on the ball of my right foot and under toe number four on the left. This wasn't a problem when it was cooler so I am guessing its a sweat-related issue. Talcum will be my next alternative.Worse, was a pain in the underside of my left foot. Almost like a fallen arch. It ached a bit during the run so I stopped, adjusted my laces and started again. That seemed to work but walking off the effort it started to ache again. I hit it hard with the ice - twice - and that seemed to help but this sould be a serious problem.