Distance: 20.5 kilometers (12.71 miles)
Time: 1 hour 45 minutes
Comments: Not as good a week as I had hoped but pretty much what I wanted to do. I pushed myself pretty hard the two weeks or so prior and I put up some mileage totals that were significantly above anything I have done to date. Keeping that pace is a recipe for injury and I know it.
I wanted to put in a long run but I got pretty busy and, honestly, didn't feel very good. Not sick, or even tired, just blah. Which, if I am not mistaken, is a good sign of fatigue and exhaustion. Especially when mixed with a healthy dose of sleeping like crap.
There are some irritating little aches in my legs that I am having trouble getting rid of. I have been stretching lots throughout the day but they are damned persistent. My guess is that the shoes have reached the point where they are taking their revenge on me. But, with luck, that will be solved this week.
Saturday, July 1, 2006
Friday, June 30, 2006
Training Run

Time: 30 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast, late afternoon run, 60s
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Comments: Not a bad run at all. It was a short one but I was feeling pretty good today and ready to go run since I had to put it off till a bit later than usual. Stretched pretty well. Concentrated on the IB stretches following the soreness from Wednesday.
Had that umph of energy at the start that I made myself hold back on. In fact, I really felt I could have done this whole run a lot faster but I want to hold something in reserve for tomorrow's long run. So I concentrated on increasing my footfalls instead of increasing my stride when I was doing good.
There was a tough stretch near the 20 minute mark but not at all like Wednesday. I did get a twinge in my left IB after running and my left calf feels tight. This might all be due to the age on my shoes. More on that issue later...
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Training Run
Distance: 8.5 kilometers (5.27 miles)
Time: 45 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast, 60s, mid-afternoon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Comments: Not a stellar run by any means. I felt pretty good this morning but I had a pretty big lunch that knocked me out. I got up, did some work and then went on the run. I knew I wasn't really into it mentally so I really went through the stretching regimine in order to spur the routine.
But pretty much from the start the run was a chore. Every step was an effort even though I can't say I was really lacking energy or the strength for the thing. I set 45 minutes so I stuck with it, but finishing was the best part of this one.
During the run I had a tightness in my right IB and, afterward, there was a distinct tightness in the left. The latter right where the scar tissue is from when I got hit by a car years ago. The good news is that, in neither case did I also have any problem with my knees.
Time: 45 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast, 60s, mid-afternoon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Comments: Not a stellar run by any means. I felt pretty good this morning but I had a pretty big lunch that knocked me out. I got up, did some work and then went on the run. I knew I wasn't really into it mentally so I really went through the stretching regimine in order to spur the routine.
But pretty much from the start the run was a chore. Every step was an effort even though I can't say I was really lacking energy or the strength for the thing. I set 45 minutes so I stuck with it, but finishing was the best part of this one.
During the run I had a tightness in my right IB and, afterward, there was a distinct tightness in the left. The latter right where the scar tissue is from when I got hit by a car years ago. The good news is that, in neither case did I also have any problem with my knees.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Training Run
Distance: 6 km (3.72 miles)
Time: 30 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast, 60s, midafternoon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Comments: Went out with the intention of putting in 45 minutes at a brisk pace but I was moving along pretty good a few minutes in so I decided to try for half an hour at that clip. I probably could have put in the full 45 minutes but it didn't make much sense to push myself that hard after last week.
So it came out that I was moving at just under my 10K race pace - 8:06 versus 7:41 per mile - but felt like I was going about three-quarters. That's progress but it's also shows I got a long way to go as well.
No real pains today. My left calf has been kind of stiff, I first noticed it during the long run on Saturday. I stretched it really well prior and will focus on it over the next week.
Time: 30 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast, 60s, midafternoon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Comments: Went out with the intention of putting in 45 minutes at a brisk pace but I was moving along pretty good a few minutes in so I decided to try for half an hour at that clip. I probably could have put in the full 45 minutes but it didn't make much sense to push myself that hard after last week.
So it came out that I was moving at just under my 10K race pace - 8:06 versus 7:41 per mile - but felt like I was going about three-quarters. That's progress but it's also shows I got a long way to go as well.
No real pains today. My left calf has been kind of stiff, I first noticed it during the long run on Saturday. I stretched it really well prior and will focus on it over the next week.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Week Wrapup
Distance: 43.7 kilometers (27.16 miles)
Time: 4 hours
Comments: As far as I am concerned this was my first week of real training. I finally put in a solid week of work. There were high points and there were low points but I was able to concentrate and see it through to the end. When you add the mileage up, I ran my first marathon this week.
Overall the runs were strong but not particulary fast. My times will have to improve substantially to reach the goals I am shooting for in January. That requires a great deal of time and effort so it is best to start concentrating on establishing the foundation for it now.
On the injury front, the side of my left foot was sore after Wednesday's run and the day following. Not severe, just sore. And, on Friday I developed a tender bruise-type pain beneath the ball of my pinkie toe on the left. It was gone today.
There was the battle with fatigue at the middle of the week that seemed to be resolved by a very-inactive off day.
I have also been having a weird pain in my left side after I finish running. It is an interior thing in the vicinity of my kidneys but feels like a weird muscle twitch of some type. It hits for about two or three minutes and then disappears.
With the most intense two weeks of work just completed, it's probably best to pull back a bit this week. I will be keeping on my every-other-day pattern but with slightly less time each day - probably only 45 min runs - and an hour long run this weekend.
I have started to give some thought to my actual training schedule. To get started, last week I picked up Hal Higdon's book on marathon training aptly titled "Marathon." (His website can be found here.)
Essentially I wanted a general text to get basic answers for my questions on diet, pacing, training and so on. This was a great start. The book has a ton of good information although the author isn't shy about touting his own accomplishments.
By augmenting that with what the guru has to say and general research, I should be able to come up with a reasonable plan. At this point, I have decided is to use Higdon's 18-week program with a three week taper at the end. I will also be including at least two 10K races in there.
But, outside of that it's all up in the air.
More immediately, for the next two months I will be working to have a solid foundation to begin the "real" training. Basically, I want to be prepared for the punishment I have in store when the miles really count. So if I develop a problem or injury during this process, I want it to happen in the next two months, not after Sept. 11.
Time: 4 hours
Comments: As far as I am concerned this was my first week of real training. I finally put in a solid week of work. There were high points and there were low points but I was able to concentrate and see it through to the end. When you add the mileage up, I ran my first marathon this week.
Overall the runs were strong but not particulary fast. My times will have to improve substantially to reach the goals I am shooting for in January. That requires a great deal of time and effort so it is best to start concentrating on establishing the foundation for it now.
On the injury front, the side of my left foot was sore after Wednesday's run and the day following. Not severe, just sore. And, on Friday I developed a tender bruise-type pain beneath the ball of my pinkie toe on the left. It was gone today.
There was the battle with fatigue at the middle of the week that seemed to be resolved by a very-inactive off day.
I have also been having a weird pain in my left side after I finish running. It is an interior thing in the vicinity of my kidneys but feels like a weird muscle twitch of some type. It hits for about two or three minutes and then disappears.
With the most intense two weeks of work just completed, it's probably best to pull back a bit this week. I will be keeping on my every-other-day pattern but with slightly less time each day - probably only 45 min runs - and an hour long run this weekend.
I have started to give some thought to my actual training schedule. To get started, last week I picked up Hal Higdon's book on marathon training aptly titled "Marathon." (His website can be found here.)
Essentially I wanted a general text to get basic answers for my questions on diet, pacing, training and so on. This was a great start. The book has a ton of good information although the author isn't shy about touting his own accomplishments.
By augmenting that with what the guru has to say and general research, I should be able to come up with a reasonable plan. At this point, I have decided is to use Higdon's 18-week program with a three week taper at the end. I will also be including at least two 10K races in there.
But, outside of that it's all up in the air.
More immediately, for the next two months I will be working to have a solid foundation to begin the "real" training. Basically, I want to be prepared for the punishment I have in store when the miles really count. So if I develop a problem or injury during this process, I want it to happen in the next two months, not after Sept. 11.
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