Distance: 10 km (6.2 miles)
Time: one hour
Surface: asphalt/concrete/dirt
Weather Conditions: hazy, overcast, cool, 50s, late morning run
Location: Miraflores and Barranco, Lima, Peru
Comments: Intended a 45 minute run initially but I took a very different route today and getting back took a bit longer than I expected so I just ran the hour.
Half of the run was on the seashore and the second half on the malencon on the cliffs above the ocean like normal. That means there was a long hill to go down to start and a steep hill to get up in the middle. The idea is to start mixing more of this up and down work in the runs to condition better.
Overall the run went well. I got into it and stayed steady at it the whole way.The hill, although a cruel and brutal bitch, wasn't as much trouble as I feared. I stayed with it the whole way keeping my steps short but my pace as close to normal as I could. No aches, pains or problems to speak of.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Fitness Run

Time: 45 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: hazy, overcast, cool, 50s, late morning run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Comments: Well, the last run clearly took its toll on me yesterday and the effects were still there today. There just wasn't a lot of spring in my step for the whole effort. In fact, it felt like I was slogging through molasses the whole way. But, despite that, it was a pretty good effort.
On the street it was a battle the whole way. I didn't set anything on fire with my pace, thats for sure. It was a one-foot-in-front-of-the-other type of run. Even my secret weapons had no effect (other than to keep my mind off the struggle itself).
Although it wasn't fancy, it wasn't bad either. I didn't have any real problems at any point and I was able to keep at a steady - if not spectacular - pace the whole way.
The knuckle of my left big toe was kind of sensitive during the run and the ball of the toe was sore after. I think the former was due to my sock and the latter due to the humid weather in Lima that aggravates my arthritis.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Long Run
Distance: 11 km (6.8 miles)
Time: one hour
Surface: asphalt, concrete
Weather Conditions: chilly, overcast, 50s, afternoon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Comments: After slacking off for two weeks I finally broke down and used the infallable motivation that is my birthright as an American - financial investment. Or, more to the point, I went shopping. After dropping my iPod during the race, it is clear I don't need to be taking it along on my runs. As my primary way of enjoying my music, getting it broken or stolen is just too high a risk.
So I ambled down to the Apple store and bought an iPod shuffle. Of course buying it here in Peru means I payed WAY too much for it but most MP3 players sold here are similarly pricy and I already have all the software on the computer. And even given the expense, it's still a cheaper option than risking the regular iPod.
With the new toy I was pretty much obligated to run today. I hit the gym, stretched out and took to the road. I didn't feel at all ready but, given my long layoff, I was determined to put in a solid run this time. So I kind of put it on autopilot and just started putting one leg in front of the other. The goal was one hour - damn the mileage.
As one might suspect, I felt a number of little pains as I progressed but nothing critical. The ball of my left foot has been sore and I got a twinge in my right achilles tendon at one point. I am very achy afterward but thats probably due to the excessive time off.
Time: one hour
Surface: asphalt, concrete
Weather Conditions: chilly, overcast, 50s, afternoon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Comments: After slacking off for two weeks I finally broke down and used the infallable motivation that is my birthright as an American - financial investment. Or, more to the point, I went shopping. After dropping my iPod during the race, it is clear I don't need to be taking it along on my runs. As my primary way of enjoying my music, getting it broken or stolen is just too high a risk.
So I ambled down to the Apple store and bought an iPod shuffle. Of course buying it here in Peru means I payed WAY too much for it but most MP3 players sold here are similarly pricy and I already have all the software on the computer. And even given the expense, it's still a cheaper option than risking the regular iPod.
With the new toy I was pretty much obligated to run today. I hit the gym, stretched out and took to the road. I didn't feel at all ready but, given my long layoff, I was determined to put in a solid run this time. So I kind of put it on autopilot and just started putting one leg in front of the other. The goal was one hour - damn the mileage.
As one might suspect, I felt a number of little pains as I progressed but nothing critical. The ball of my left foot has been sore and I got a twinge in my right achilles tendon at one point. I am very achy afterward but thats probably due to the excessive time off.
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