Distance: 4 miles
Time: 34:21
Pace: 8:35/mi
Comments: I ran this one with my cousin Erin who is in town. A veteran of numerous marathons, she plans to do the half-marathon in January. It was nice to get her input on what I need to expect of both my training and the race to come.
Since we both plan to do a long run tomorrow this was a pretty basic effort. Once around the block, four miles, at a pretty leisurely pace. It was a bit quick for Erin since she hasn't been race training like I have.
(Additionally, this turned out to be one of the rare afternoon runs of my training.)
Between the busy-ness of the week and my wariness of pushing too hard, I didn't get in my planned run for Friday. After talking about training with Erin I'm a bit less anxious about the cutback in my mileage over the past month but, the fact is, the necessity to put in some serious mileage after this next race is now critical.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Training Run

Time: 30:21
Pace: 7:35/mi
Comments: I felt a bit tired this morning but put in four miles to stay tuned and keep the weekly mileage up. I felt a bit better after so that's good.
Overall it was nothing really fancy runwise. Just getting out there and getting it done. It was a bit chillier than it has been most of the week so it was really ideal running conditions.
I'm going to have to make sure to eat pretty well today. Being Thanksgiving there is prolly going to be a pretty big spread but the key will be keeping things under control. More veggies, less meat. But don't think I am going to be skipping the meat.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Training Run
Distance: 8 miles
Time: 60:05
Pace: 7:30/mi
Comments: I can't say I was in a great running mood given my recent adventures on the sidewalks of Chandler but i was determined to get this run in. The one good thing is that I actually felt like running today rather than the dragging-ass feeling that has plagued me of late.
I eschewed the warm-up like I have in most of my recent runs since I have not wanted to find any excuse to keep me from getting out the door once I have resolved to do it. I knew I wanted to keep this one at one hour so I tried ramping up to a decent pace pretty fast.
The temperature was somewhat warmer than normal and the wind kicked up at several spots. As usual, the dumbass Arizona drivers were constantly a problem. One almost hit me racing to get into the supermarket and then acted like it was my fault.
Sorry, idiot, I've got the right of way, you were going too fast and I actually assumed you would try and hit me. Just one more piece of proof thatthe bar to get a drivers license in this state is set about as low as could be humanly possible.
In any case, I felt pretty strong most of the run and finished with a pretty good kick. The biggest difference I can think of is that I have been trying to concentrate on eating a bit better lately. I hope that's the source of the tiredness problem cause that I can fix.
Time: 60:05
Pace: 7:30/mi
Comments: I can't say I was in a great running mood given my recent adventures on the sidewalks of Chandler but i was determined to get this run in. The one good thing is that I actually felt like running today rather than the dragging-ass feeling that has plagued me of late.
I eschewed the warm-up like I have in most of my recent runs since I have not wanted to find any excuse to keep me from getting out the door once I have resolved to do it. I knew I wanted to keep this one at one hour so I tried ramping up to a decent pace pretty fast.
The temperature was somewhat warmer than normal and the wind kicked up at several spots. As usual, the dumbass Arizona drivers were constantly a problem. One almost hit me racing to get into the supermarket and then acted like it was my fault.
Sorry, idiot, I've got the right of way, you were going too fast and I actually assumed you would try and hit me. Just one more piece of proof thatthe bar to get a drivers license in this state is set about as low as could be humanly possible.
In any case, I felt pretty strong most of the run and finished with a pretty good kick. The biggest difference I can think of is that I have been trying to concentrate on eating a bit better lately. I hope that's the source of the tiredness problem cause that I can fix.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Training Run
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 46:55
Pace: 7:49/mi
Comments: Again, another unpleasant incident ruined a decent run.
About four miles into the run today some piece of trash decided it would be funny to shoot me with some type of pellet gun from their vehicle.
I had just turned the corner at Rural Road onto Ray Road going west when I heard a spring-like click as a truck passed me and, almost immediately, something hit me sharply in the stomach.
At first I thought it was a rock kicked up by the passing vehicle's tires and then I realized I had been shot. Then I thought I was dead.
In case you are not aware, there has been a number of such incidents in the Phoenix area in the last year. As a result, realizing you have been shot at random in this area is a downright frightening experience.
I lifted my shirt and had the relief of seeing the thing didn't even break the skin. Of course, by that time, this wonderful piece of human garbage and his partner had turned the corner and were gone. It's pretty obvious they were familiar with the drill. Which is what really scares me
While this was just a pellet gun of some type, if you are the sort of scumbag that would find shooting random people on the street amusing, it's not too much to expect you want to graduate to a .22-caliber weapon.
So, whoever you were, I hope you wrap your fucking truck around a telephone pole tonight and rid the world of your excuse for an existence. Your family will be much better off than if you are allowed to mature into the real piece of shit you have inside you.
Time: 46:55
Pace: 7:49/mi
Comments: Again, another unpleasant incident ruined a decent run.
About four miles into the run today some piece of trash decided it would be funny to shoot me with some type of pellet gun from their vehicle.
I had just turned the corner at Rural Road onto Ray Road going west when I heard a spring-like click as a truck passed me and, almost immediately, something hit me sharply in the stomach.
At first I thought it was a rock kicked up by the passing vehicle's tires and then I realized I had been shot. Then I thought I was dead.
In case you are not aware, there has been a number of such incidents in the Phoenix area in the last year. As a result, realizing you have been shot at random in this area is a downright frightening experience.
I lifted my shirt and had the relief of seeing the thing didn't even break the skin. Of course, by that time, this wonderful piece of human garbage and his partner had turned the corner and were gone. It's pretty obvious they were familiar with the drill. Which is what really scares me
While this was just a pellet gun of some type, if you are the sort of scumbag that would find shooting random people on the street amusing, it's not too much to expect you want to graduate to a .22-caliber weapon.
So, whoever you were, I hope you wrap your fucking truck around a telephone pole tonight and rid the world of your excuse for an existence. Your family will be much better off than if you are allowed to mature into the real piece of shit you have inside you.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Marathon Training Summary: Week 8
Distance: 22 miles
Time: 2 hours 49 minutes
Comments: I woke up this morning with every intention of putting in the 18-mile long run and it quickly became apparent that was not gonna happen. I was feeling completely exhausted and my desire to undertake the substantial effort was undercut by that.
I ended up going back to bed for an hour and woke up feeling just as tired. Throughout the day I was completely zapped and an afternoon nap did little to resolve it. Although I really wanted to get back on track mileage-wise, it just didn't make sense to push through this since the only logical reason for it would have to be overtraining.
So it turns into another sub-par week and a slab of meaty anxiety for my ability to be properly prepared for this race. Ugh.
Two months to go and I'm not sure if I am going to be at all ready. My training efforts over the past two weeks have been much less than I could hope and there is only two months left until the start of the race itself.
Moreover I kind of seem to have lost my enthusiasm for the race right now. I have been working toward this for more than ten months and there is little substantive to show for it. The race seems impossibly distant timewise and uncomfortably close in terms of training time. Part of me really feels like giving up on it.
And the pile of work that I have to do before the holidays gets into full swing is overwhelming me as well. So that has dinged my focus as well.
It isn't like I don't want to go put in the runs, I'm just busy with everything else and it often seems a much lesser priority than before. Dunno if that's overtraining or what but I really need to get over it or this qualifying time goal may become nigh impossible.
Time: 2 hours 49 minutes
Comments: I woke up this morning with every intention of putting in the 18-mile long run and it quickly became apparent that was not gonna happen. I was feeling completely exhausted and my desire to undertake the substantial effort was undercut by that.
I ended up going back to bed for an hour and woke up feeling just as tired. Throughout the day I was completely zapped and an afternoon nap did little to resolve it. Although I really wanted to get back on track mileage-wise, it just didn't make sense to push through this since the only logical reason for it would have to be overtraining.
So it turns into another sub-par week and a slab of meaty anxiety for my ability to be properly prepared for this race. Ugh.
Two months to go and I'm not sure if I am going to be at all ready. My training efforts over the past two weeks have been much less than I could hope and there is only two months left until the start of the race itself.
Moreover I kind of seem to have lost my enthusiasm for the race right now. I have been working toward this for more than ten months and there is little substantive to show for it. The race seems impossibly distant timewise and uncomfortably close in terms of training time. Part of me really feels like giving up on it.
And the pile of work that I have to do before the holidays gets into full swing is overwhelming me as well. So that has dinged my focus as well.
It isn't like I don't want to go put in the runs, I'm just busy with everything else and it often seems a much lesser priority than before. Dunno if that's overtraining or what but I really need to get over it or this qualifying time goal may become nigh impossible.
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