Thursday, January 26, 2006

Getting Started

Klephrun is a daily diary for my running as I try and get started doing it again this year. My goal is to run the PF Chang's Rock n' Roll Marathon in Tempe, Arizona on January 14, 2007.

I have tried to prepare for a marathon several times in the past five years but kept running into one big obstacle - my left knee. The problem is classic Iliotibial Band Syndrome acerbated by two things, scar tissue in my left thigh from a car wreck years ago and my abysmal posture.

So, in this trip home I have taken a few steps in the form of prevention, picked up a couple of remedies and tips and am going to set out and try this yet again. This blog is simply a simple way to keep up a runners diary on my progress and shame me into sticking to the thing.