Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Long Run

Distance: not sure, around 10 kilometers
Time: 58 minutes, morning run
Surface: concrete, asphalt
Weather Conditions: humid and cool, 70s
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru

Comments: I was aiming for the distance not the time but it turned into a major run by the end of it all. Secret weapon - Underworld.

It was not my greatest effort but I got through it pretty well. I felt sloppy and clumsy the whole way but not exhausted like before. (Speaking of exhausted, I was shot yesterday afternoon. I took a 3 hour nap and was not able to do anything else)

The knee was worryingly sore to start and has been achy since. I am not happy about that. I will try and hit the gym tomorrow and concentrate on upper body work then take it easier on the Friday run.