Monday, April 10, 2006

Fintness Run

Distance: not sure
Time: 30 minutes
Surface: concrete/asphalt 
Weather Conditions: warm, sunny, 80s, noon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Secret weapon: not a damn bit of good

Comments: Well, it has been a bit more than a week since I have been on the pavement. I had been feeling blah (not sick but not good), then there was my little adventure in Chile and, after that, dealing with the election. So I had lots of good intentions of putting in a good long run to make up for it today.

Dinna happen.

It turns out I was pretty much at the same spot I was when I left off on April 1. I got to half-an-hour with all the good intentions in the world and it just wasn't there. So I am not happy with the result but the run, other than that, went fine. No major problems, just nada in the tank.

So I am going to try going about it the other way this week. I will try and put in a half-hour run every day this week and see if that works. It certainly can't do worse than what I am doing already.