Monday, September 7, 2020

Fitness Run

: 4.09 miles
Time: 43:23
Pace: 10:35 min/mi

Comments: My ability to get back into a reasonable running routine has been woeful the last month or so. My intention was to get at least three or four runs in last week but that didn't happen. I got one in today. I'm just gonna try and get one in tomorrow and we'll see how that goes.

No big issues with this one. I focused on cadence and keeping everything business-as-usual. Not too many folks out to compete with so that really helped my head space quite a bit. It's a bit cooler, and that helped too. But, yeah, fall can't get here soon enough.


Hour: 7:00 a.m.
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Weather: clear
Temperature: 74 degrees
Humidity: 90 percent
Wind: calm
Location: Dallas, Texas
Shoes: Brooks Glycerin 17

Injury update: nada