Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Long Run

Distance: not sure
Time: one hour, noon run
Surface: asphalt/grass/dirt
Weather Conditions: sunny and warm, 60s
Location: Jacksonville, Florida

Comments: I originally intended only to put in half an hour but I felt pretty good and had great surfaces for running (but no real way to guage distance) on so I decided to try and put the hour run in. I felt pretty good the whole way, no suck-it-up or god-let-this-end moments. Just a regular pace the whole way.

I kept on soft dirt most of the way although I did at least a mile and a half on asphalt and grass embankment. I was less concerned about the hardness as the incline. My left knee had no problems at all but my right ilitobial band was kind of achy toward the end.

It was perfect weather, a bit chilly to start but ideal after I warmed up. There was a slight breeze but nothing that I had to work to overcome.

It was nice being back in the South and seeing all the pine trees, dirt roads and cleared acreage I remember from those bike rides as a teenager. But of course there was also the protective dogs, beer bottles strewn carelessly on the roadside and epithets hurled from inbreeds at the wheel of oversized vehicles.