Monday, March 27, 2006

Fitness Run

Distance: not sure
Time: 45 minutes
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Weather Conditions: sunny, breezy, 80s, late afternooon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Secret weapon: Electric Six

Comments: Pretty good workout. Started with the regular two sets of sit ups (400) and thorough stretching. Hit the pavement but remembered to hit the button on the chonometer this time. I purposefully stayed off the knee the whole weekend, not even going in for gym work. It was iffy to start and testy throughout the run but, once again, it never gave me any sharp pain like before.

I actually ended up running a slower pace than usual but the run itself went very well. Workmanlike, not too sloppy and never any point of despair where I wanted to give up or felt I couldn't go any further. My diet hasn't been the best due to deadlines but I seemed to have enough energy today at least.