Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Treadmill Run

Distance: n/a
Time: 2 x 20 min
Surface: treadmill
Weather Conditions: indoors, noon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Secret weapon: Depeche Mode

Comments: Whoah baby. This workout may have been a case of biting off a bit more than I can chew. The idea was to get some speed work in so I did the first 20 minutes at a 7 minute mile pace and the second at a 7.5 minute mile pace. I can't say it was the hardest workout I have done so far but I was definitely working harder than I have done to date.

I did one set of situps (200) and stretched really well before I got on the machine. After the first 20 minute run I rested for a few minutes then did another set of situps (200) and stretched out again. Both time I really focused on the left hamstring with continues to be much tighter than the right. I don't know if this is connected to my wonderful ilitobial band fun or not.

After the workout I did a basic warm-down stretch before calling it a day. I felt as beat as when I finished the 90-minute run last week. The knee didn't give any specific pain at any point but it has been... in the background for awhile now. I still can't decide if it is messed up again and just waiting to manifest or if I have actually stabilized the problem.

: : Update : : Double Whoah. I am one sore monkey right now. Not any real "bad" pain but, Lordy, I can feel every step of that run. It is actually probably good since I am feeling aches in my ilitobial band and hamstrings and not my knee. Hopefully, this is a sign I am starting to gain some strength in these parts of my legs - a key to resolving this lingering problem, according to my chiropractor.