Monday, May 15, 2006

Fitness Run

Distance: 4.2 kilometers (2.6 miles)
Time: 20 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, cloudy, 60s, late morning run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Secret weapon: none

Comments: Started with a good stretch and situp regimine. I felt a bit creaky after my first day back after my being ill. The minute I hit the road it was like running through molasses. I didn't feel like I had anything in my legs for the run.

Stuck with it knowing it would get better and it did but it never got good. My pace was a good bit faster than yesterday but I knew I wasn't going to go any real distance with it. I gave in after 20 minutes mostly because I am still very nervous about making myself sick again.

I plan on taking tomorrow off (I might do some gym work) then a 45 minute run at near race pace on Wednesday followed up by a recovery run the day after. We'll see how successful I am in carrying it out.