Time: 20 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: sunny, warm, 70s, early afternoon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Secret weapon: none
Comments: The good, the bad and the ugly of runs.
So what happened? Well, I started great and was in the perfect mood to run. The glorious boon of a sunny fall day in Lima just added to that. But, I added a few things to my repertoire that caused problems. First was the blister taping. A single band-aid on the pinkie toe doesn't do it. But, now, it looks like the medicine tape rubs the bottom of the next toe raw.
Next, I wore a butt pack for the first time and it needed a ton of ajusting to fit right during the run. The addition is to carry some of the stuff I will be needing as I start to get into longer runs. Working through the problems these changes bring is to be expected but it really kept me from a satisfactory run today.
And so, when I stopped to address the pain in my toe I just let the run go. Prior to that, though, I ran a strong pace for the whole way - probably 2/3 my race pace or so. Pushing that pace across a full 10 kilometers is going to be a real test of my ability at this point and, to be totally honest, right now I am more than a little bit anxious about it.