Saturday, June 17, 2006

Long Run

Distance: 10 km (6.2 miles)
Time: one hour
Surface: asphalt/concrete/dirt
Weather Conditions: hazy, overcast, cool, 50s, late morning run
Location: Miraflores and Barranco, Lima, Peru

Comments: Intended a 45 minute run initially but I took a very different route today and getting back took a bit longer than I expected so I just ran the hour.

Half of the run was on the seashore and the second half on the malencon on the cliffs above the ocean like normal. That means there was a long hill to go down to start and a steep hill to get up in the middle. The idea is to start mixing more of this up and down work in the runs to condition better. 

Overall the run went well. I got into it and stayed steady at it the whole way.The hill, although a cruel and brutal bitch, wasn't as much trouble as I feared. I stayed with it the whole way keeping my steps short but my pace as close to normal as I could. No aches, pains or problems to speak of.