Saturday, July 29, 2006

Training Run

Distance: 5.5 kilometers (3.41 miles)
Time: 30 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: overcast, cool, 60s, mid-morning run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru

Comments: Nice and easy today. Purposefully kept my pace to just more than a jog the whole way. I went through Parque Faro on the Malencon that has a few little inclines on the path and did some exaggerated strides on those to get ready for tomorrow but that was pretty much it.

It felt pretty good the whole way. More of a warm-up, really. Most importantly, no tweaks or twinges from the left knee that has been bothering me. I iced it good yesterday and really concentrated on the quads stretching this morning. I'll ice and stretch again today as well.