Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Recovery Run

Distance: 6.43 kilometers (4 miles)
Time: 33.47 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, sunny, 60s, noon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru

Comments: Sun! Glorious sun! 

I got out of the door a little later than usual and just as I got into the groove of the run, the mist dissipated and the sun poured onto the streets of Lima. Luckily, I wore my short-sleeved shirt cause it got nicely warm.

Not a crazy effort today, more of a recovery run in the wake of Sunday's herculean effort. But it turned into a nice solid run. I felt strong the whole way. 

Which isn't to say I had completely recovered from the long run this weekend. My legs, particularly my calves, were pretty sore heading out. No real pain, though, and no problems at all kneewise.