Sunday, September 17, 2006

Week Wrapup

Distance: 21.38 miles
Time: 2 hours 53 minutes

Comments: Not a bad first week of work. No great shakes distance-wise but an understandable mark in light of last week's effort.

I also discovered that my calculations for Monday's distance were rather off (since updated). As a result the mileage for the week is pretty much an estimate only.

But I got some decent speed work in as well as my first effort at Timed Repeats. These workouts, I find, seem paltry immediately afterward but, a day later, they knock the crap out of me. Something to keep in mind as I go forward with my training.

On the injury front, I seem to have gotten through the week alright. But my knees have been noticeably tender throughout the week, particularly the problematic left.

Next week looks like it will be a total wash. I am headed to Brazil for at least seven days and my running workouts will be an impossibility. This is part of the reason I kicked off the training schedule early, I will have time to recover from such gaps.