Sunday, June 24, 2007

Marathon Training Summary: Week 5

Time: 75 min
Distance: 13 kilometers

Comments: A disaster of a week. I struggled through the knee pain and return to mileage as well as I could and even felt I had gotten my caloritic intake back in the range I need to have it for the effort......then the wheels fell off.I knew I was tired Wednesday night and I thought it was a good 'been workin' out' kind of tired. Nope. It turned out to be a for-the-next-three-days-your-ass-is-mine flu kind of tired. Here in Peru it's called the grippe and it sucks to the extreme.I hit the bed Wednesday night and began a run of sleeping 20 hours a day and not being worth squat the four I was actually awake. Didn't leave the house again until last night, for God's sake!Anyhow. I felt much better this morning and considered putting in a run. But I figured an extra day off won't hurt me as much as a relapse to the agony of last week. Thus, here I am again... another wee,k closer to the race and still
And so we take another stab at the thing. The immediate goal is simply to get in a full week of training. I'm slated for a 7-mile long run but, if I make it to Saturday, I'll be inclined to make that the 10-miler I skipped this weekend.Of course my bout with the flu has me behind on everything so there are deadlines galore to be met and those daily annoyances like groceries and laundry. But the weather remains in the 'crappy' category making it ideal for putting in a run at pretty much anytime.