Thursday, December 10, 2020

Fitness Run

: 4.32 miles
Time: 47:22
Pace: 10:57 min/mi

Comments: Skipped two days but I was determined to get this one in today. Not the best idea for a number of reasons. My legs are stiff as the bejesus following my run on Monday. It's uncomfortably warm for a December day and unpleasantly windy as well. There are more hills in my new route which is slightly longer than my old usual one.

Anyhow. Got it done.

I was slow and lacking the smallest fraction of grace in my form. It's not fun being back in the suck-it-up-and-finish-however-you-can phase but here we are.


Hour: 2:00 p.m.
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Weather: sunny
Temperature: 75 degrees
Humidity: 39 percent
Wind: 9 mph gusts
Location: Dallas, Texas
Shoes: Brooks Glycerin 17

Injury update: nada