Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Long Run

Distance: 17.75 kilometers (11 miles)
Time: two hours
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: sunny, cool, 70s, late afternoon run
Location: Miraflores and Barranco, Lima, Peru
Secret weapon: 28 Days Later soundtrack

Comments: Well, I was a little disappointed with myself for flaking out this week yet again. So I skipped the stretch and situps and went right out onto the pavement. My only goal, initally, was to run the full clifftop circuit once, which I figured to be about an hour and a half. I got into a good pace, felt relatively strong so I decided to tack on the extra half hour.

It went pretty well, I kept a respectable pace and didn't develop any real problems but oh boy, it was not easy. At about the 80 minute mark I knew it would be a close thing to accomplish, and it was. I had to dig inside and find the old one-leg-in-front-of-the-other running monster that I used to be.

Needless to say, I was pretty sore and pretty tired afterward. I doubt I will be back on the road before Friday. If nothing else I need to care for my first training blisters. Now there's a running milestone for you.