Thursday, May 4, 2006

Fitness Run

Distance: 8 kilometers (5 miles)
Time: 45 minutes
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast 60s, late morning run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Secret weapon: St. Germain

Comments: I got busy yesterday and didn't find the time to devote to the run. But after the fatigue and insomina this week, I felt I was better off taking an early off day. I took a good long time streching and doing the situps today before hitting the road.

I didn't plan to run it with any real speed but I fell into a pretty quick pace after a kilometer and a half or so. It was misty and a touch chilly; the begining of Lima's miserable winter which is hellish to endure but has the sole benefit of being great for running.

I pretty much put it on autopilot for the whole run and got through it with no real problems. Afterward, I was a bit more tired than I thought I would be. It may be a touch of the grippe but I really really hope not.

On the plus side there was nothing, and I mean nada, from my knee. Not before, not during, not after. I hope I have finally built enough muscle strength in my quads that they are now compensating for the problems in my stride and ilitobial band. I haven't been using the ib band strap for a few weeks now but I still put the patellar strap for each workout.