Time: 1 hour
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, misty, 60s, late morning run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Secret weapon: Leftfield
Comments: Tough day to get started. I planned to get up and do this run early to get a feel for race day but it seems my sinuses didn't agree.
I did a few situps (maybe 100) but only to get my stretching done. I wanted to be limber as necessary but not tired. Getting going was a battle between my inclination to skip the run and the idiot cabdrivers.
It was one of those weird fall days in Lima where it is sunny on one street and cloudy and dark on the next. Along the malencon it was cool and misty which worked well for me. I kept putting one foot in front of the other and got going with it.
I had energy and strength for the thing (I watched my diet pretty close yesterday) but there was a slugishness to my form I attribute to the illness I am trying to avoid. But, before I knew it, I was in a pretty steady pace and kept with it the whole way. Overall it was a good effort and probably the best run of the week