Time: 30 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast, late afternoon run, 60s
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Comments: Not a bad run at all. It was a short one but I was feeling pretty good today and ready to go run since I had to put it off till a bit later than usual. Stretched pretty well. Concentrated on the IB stretches following the soreness from Wednesday.
Had that umph of energy at the start that I made myself hold back on. In fact, I really felt I could have done this whole run a lot faster but I want to hold something in reserve for tomorrow's long run. So I concentrated on increasing my footfalls instead of increasing my stride when I was doing good.
There was a tough stretch near the 20 minute mark but not at all like Wednesday. I did get a twinge in my left IB after running and my left calf feels tight. This might all be due to the age on my shoes. More on that issue later...