Time: one hour
Surface: asphalt/concrete/dirt
Weather Conditions: overcast/sunny, cool, 60s, early afternoon run
Location: Miraflores and Barranco, Lima, Peru
Comments: Super great run today... except for the last ten minutes.
During my last run I felt I was wanting for energy so today I downed a powerbar before heading off to the gym. It seemed to do the trick, I had plenty of energy for almost the whole run but, at about the 50 min mark, it was gone.
Looks like the lengths of my runs have reached the point I am going to have to start getting calories during the enterprise.
I took the beach route yet again including "the hill." Which I now refer to as La Bruja for obvious reasons. This is a shot of one section, the last soul-killing steep section. Don't be fooled by the begnin appearance, it is a hateful and nasty stretch of cobblestone.
But, as I said, I felt pretty good the whole way. I had a good pace and a good form. I really felt in control of the run. As usual, it started a bit slow but I've been immediately doing the downhill portion of the run for this part and it keeps me busy enough I don't let it get in my head. By the time I hit the beach I was running well. I kept that up pretty much the whole way till the problems at the end.
There were some equipment problems. Over the weekend I finally used the 20 percent discount at the Reebok store I got for running in their race. This was my first chance to use the stuff. The runner's fanny pack is worlds better than the regular fanny pack I had before but it doesn't stay in place. Needs tinkering. Also used new lightweight breathable shorts and shirt. Makes a bigger difference than I imagined.