Sunday, November 5, 2006

Marathon Training Summary: Week 6

Distance: 32.33 miles
Time: 4 hours 25 minutes (approx)

Comments: Very much a recovery week. I didn't push it hard at all on any of the runs.

The logic was that after breaking the 40-mile-week barrier it was best to be conservative. Pretty much every resource I have come across says this this is the magic barrier beyond which injuries start to appear.

So with that and the new shoes, it just seemed wiser to keep it easy. I also took the opportunity to break in the new shoes as well.

Next week will be a bit weird as well, with the race next Sunday, but I've had success with this cutting back and then piling on method in the past so here's hoping my luck holds.

Injury update: The 90 minutes worth of massage really seemed to have made a difference in working some of the kinks out. The trouble spots - tight side quads, left lower calf, inside left knee - are still very much in evidence but now more of a part of the greater whole.