Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Training Run

Distance: 6 miles
Time: 46:55
Pace: 7:49/mi

Comments: Again, another unpleasant incident ruined a decent run.

About four miles into the run today some piece of trash decided it would be funny to shoot me with some type of pellet gun from their vehicle.

I had just turned the corner at Rural Road onto Ray Road going west when I heard a spring-like click as a truck passed me and, almost immediately, something hit me sharply in the stomach.

At first I thought it was a rock kicked up by the passing vehicle's tires and then I realized I had been shot. Then I thought I was dead.

In case you are not aware, there has been a number of such incidents in the Phoenix area in the last year. As a result, realizing you have been shot at random in this area is a downright frightening experience.

I lifted my shirt and had the relief of seeing the thing didn't even break the skin. Of course, by that time, this wonderful piece of human garbage and his partner had turned the corner and were gone. It's pretty obvious they were familiar with the drill. Which is what really scares me

While this was just a pellet gun of some type, if you are the sort of scumbag that would find shooting random people on the street amusing, it's not too much to expect you want to graduate to a .22-caliber weapon.

So, whoever you were, I hope you wrap your fucking truck around a telephone pole tonight and rid the world of your excuse for an existence. Your family will be much better off than if you are allowed to mature into the real piece of shit you have inside you.

Hour: 11 a.m.
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Weather: sunny
Temperature: 72 degrees
Humidity: 27 percent
Wind: 4 mph 
Location: Chandler, Arizona
Shoes: Brooks
Con Musica