Time: 30 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: overcast, cool, 60s, noon run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Comments: I skipped yesterday's run due to an ache in the outside of my right foot. It's a persistant bruise-like feeling at the bump midway down the foot. It didn't feel too bad this morning so I went out for the 30 minute run planned for yesterday.
I was scheduled to run it at an 8 minute mile pace but I found myself pushing it a bit harder. Probably at 3/4 race pace or a little bit quicker. It was pretty damned tough and I nearly gave up on it at several points, the last five minutes particularly. But I got through OK and with a pretty good feeling afterwards about the amount of effort.
On the downside, the ache - which was not there at the onset of the run - gradually showed back up again. Never to the point I was limping or changing my stride but enough that know I need to really concentrate on taking care of it. So, it looks like the twice-a-day ice pack switches to the other foot for awhile.