Monday, May 7, 2007

Fitness Run

Time: 30 min
Distance: unk
Pace: unk

Comments: A good tough run. But I should probably step back and set things up a bit.After resolving to follow through with my constant vows to implement a stretching regimen, I went into it with gusto this weekend (the threat of a nagging injury is one hell of a motivator for these things).I did three stretching routines each day this weekend concentrating on the hips. Before running today I did some light stretching, a bit of a pre-run walk and then an easy run up to the malencon itself - maybe three or four minutes.Then I went through the entire stretching routine before the run itself. (I also made it a point to make sure I had my heel insert in as well) The result was zero hip pain (YAY!) but a persistent nagging stiffness in the right calf (BOO!).Overall, it seems to have worked and if it helps as, a preventive measure