Sunday, July 1, 2007

Marathon Training Summary: Week 6

Time: 120 min
Distance: 21 kilometers

Comments: A disaster of a week but better than last week only by the slightest. I got in one training run and a long run for the first time since the initial week of training. I'm really getting concerned about this race. I know this is race I'm only running to finish but this is not an auspicious start to training. I need miles. Lots of them. And I'm not getting them in.I'm hoping I can actually get a full week's of runs in for next week. If so, there is a hope in hell I can salvage this thing. But, the bottom line is that next week is week 12. Cut the taper off and that means I have two months to get up to 20-mile long run shape. That's cutting it DAMNED close.Injury update: OK. This right leg horseshit seems to be associated with the running on hard surfaces. It only took 50 yards or so on concrete today for the stabby feeling in the side of the knee to say ""Howdy!"" And t,he malencon I typically do my

After an abysmal first month of training I'm having to cut back and re-assess where I am at and where I intend to get to. I still am aiming to find a way to do the full marathon but it's looking more and more like it will be at a pace in line with my atrocious January effort.But, that's OK. The goal here is to get a base of fitness to start working on <i>after</i> this event. Still, it's a good question of if my body is going to hold off injury enough to complete the training. Week twelve means, with  the taper, I've got exactly two months to get in shape enough to complete 26.2 miles. That's cutting it close.This week will be mainly trying to get the miles in. I'm going to take all the runs on the dirt surface at the beachfront. I'd like to put in three 45 min runs and then go after the 12 miler on Sunday. I'm guessing that's an almost 2 hour run given my current crapass pace.