Sunday, August 12, 2007

Marathon Training Summary: Week 12

Time: 6 hours
Distance: 60 kilometers (37 miles)

Comments: A big long week that took a hell of a lot out of me but never proved to be too much for me to handle. A real victory that I'm hoping to build on over this last third of the training. I decided to split the runs into four weekday efforts and one big long run as to better assess my injury status each day. But the main issues seemed to ease off this week. I'm not sure if that's progress or better self delusion but I certainly tried to take advantage of it while I could. The runs went well and, although my diet was not the best, I had good energy most of the week. I really felt the fatigue afterwards though. The afternoon naps are getting to be necessary and commonplace.

Injury update: Surprisingly little action on this front. The ankle/shin of the right leg was achy to start the week but no real issues later. The achilles tendon much the same. The Tibialius Posterior on the right leg con

I'm a bit tired from the super-long run to cap off last week but not in a negative sense. Afternoon naps are now a training necessity, that's for sure.But I don't want to overdo it here on the last push of big miles like I think I did last December. So it's probably a good thing I have a work trip planned this week that will force me to cut back on my mileage.So I'll try and get in two good regular-week runs and one 'long run' of a sane distance. Then I'll have a two-week push to the 20-mile mark to cap off the big miles and get on with the taper.