Monday, August 6, 2007

Training Run

Time: 30 min
Distance: 5 kilometers

Comments: Slow and easy. Felt strong, great form and a boatload of anxiety over my ankle.The idea is to go slow this week, building up mileage while monitoring my lower legs and put in the big run on Sunday if all goes well. On the one hand, this was a great run from a physical condition standpoint. On the other hand I'm now officially freaking out over my right ankle/shin thing.It's kinda like when you catch that first mosquito on ya and then, after that, you think they are everywhere. AUGH!

Hour: 10:30 a.m.
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Warm-up: 1 km run/stretching
Weather: misty
Temperature: 58 degrees
Humidity: 92 percent
Wind: calm
Location: Miraflores, Peru
Shoes: Brooks Trance
Con Musica

Injury update: Nary a peep from the Tibialis posterior but -, as I stated above - I wa