Monday, September 3, 2007

Marathon Training Summary: Week 15

Time: 7 hours
Distance: 72 kilometers (45 miles)

Comments: Not quite sure how the mileage stayed the same but my time was reduced but I'm not sweating it either. The amount of time I was on my feet for the week and the long run is all that matters. And I was on them quite a bit.After a shortened week in mid-August due to travel and the earthquake, I've been cranking out the miles and it all came to a head today. It was the big push before the end and I was doubtful if I could do it.I started sore and tired this week following the 20-miler a week ago and things didn't get much merrier as the days dragged on. I was really worried if today's long run was a realistic possibility but it turned out OK after all.I feel strong enough to do the marathon although I have no real clue of what time to expect. That, though, is perfectly fine.

Injury update: The achilles tendons, the lower calves and my right butt cheek all gave me moments of concern

It's taper time, my friends and a wonderful time it is. The last two weeks have been damned tough. A lot of miles and a lot of wear on the legs. While I still need to get a decent amount of running in I'm not going to feel guilty about skipping a run or two due to travel or tiredness. This week will be a few weekday runs of no more than one hour and a 12-miler or so on Sunday. I'm shooting for about 70 to 75 percent of last week's total and that should get me in the ballpark. Mainly, I'm gonna be busy wrapping up things here in Peru and then getting ready to head to Australia.