Thursday, March 7, 2019

Training Run

Distance: 6.24 miles
Time: 59:38
Pace: 9:33 min/mi

Comments: Finally a non-cold day to run. I actually broke a sweat and felt a bit of the warm weather "slog" on this one. Nice enough today but I'll hate it with a passion by Fall.

Trying to get my weekly mileage back on par so put in a six-miler today. Really felt tired on the middle two miles but didn't slow down too terribly. Actually did pretty well pace-wise on the final hills. My heart rate was pegged a good 60% of the run though.


Hour: noon
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Weather: partly cloudy
Temperature: 65 degrees
Humidity:72 percent
Wind:10 mph
Location: Dallas, Texas
Shoes: Saucony Triumph ISO 4

Injury update: nada