Monday, January 13, 2020

Fitness Run

Distance: 4.02 miles
Time: 44:56
Pace: 11:11 min/mi

Comments: Even though I ran the last three days, I was a bit worried about getting all of them in this week due to work. So when an opportunity to squeeze a lunch workout in today presented itself, I decided to take it.

No bueno.

My legs were completely burnt from yesterday's hard effort. Even though I tried to keep it slow, this was a full on slog from start to finish. And the hills were a total nightmare. I was really struggling the whole way. Which was weird since my heart rate stayed in the regular range the whole way.


Hour: 1:30 p.m.
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Weather: slight overcast
Temperature: 56 degrees
Humidity: 72 percent
Location: Dallas, Texas
Shoes: Brooks Glycerin 17

Injury update: nada