Thursday, March 5, 2020

Training Run: Recovery

Distance: 3.05 miles
Time: 34:41
Pace: 11:23 min/mi

Comments: Last of three post-race recovery runs in a row. My legs are still not happy, quads in particular. I think some of that is due to the effort of the race but having only one off day in the last seven days is probably a factor as well.

I am still struggling with the slower pacing. I think I can get into the ballpark of the right range but dialing in ain't there yet. The hills aren't helping much with the effort as well.

Anyhow. Off day tomorrow. I'm ready.


Hour: 11:00 a.m.
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Weather: clear, sunny
Temperature: 61 degrees
Humidity: 92 percent
Wind: calm
Location: Dallas, Texas
Shoes: Brooks Glycerin 17

Injury update: nada