Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Training Run

Distance: 8.4 kilometers (5.2 miles)
Time: 42 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast, 60s, evening run
Location: Miraflores/Barranco, Lima, Peru

Comments: Not a stellar effort. I was pretty busy most of the day so I didn't get a chance to run till evening. I considered skipping the run but, when I got home there was a little daylight left so I figured it would be interesting to try a late afternoon run.

But I was not up to snuff today. I had trouble getting into the rhythm of it and I really felt like throwing in the towel after 15 minutes or so. I cut the distance I intended and just went for my usual finishing point. I felt pretty sore and tired afterward as well.

Had a disturbing incident during the day. Waiting to meet with one of my sources I was standing in a hallway and, typical of when I am idle like that, I loosely stretch my legs a bit. When I extended by left leg my knee 'cracked' or 'popped.' Not loudly, more like when you crack your knuckles and there was no pain or physical sensation to it. But it's a disconcerting occurance.