Sunday, August 20, 2006

Week Wrapup

Distance: 56 kilometers (34.77 miles)
Time: 4 hours 47 minutes

Comments: The best laid plans... I wanted to make this week a mix-and-match week where I played around with different running workouts but it 'gang aft agly' pretty quick with a horrendous effort on Monday. So, after that, I just made it a distance week and concentrated on putting in the miles.

It is starting to look like folks are getting interested in the race. The race website has been updated with the course schedule and info (although it is a bit buggy at the moment). They are estimating 15,000 entrants this year in both the marathon and half-marathon.

I will be updating my training schedule with the race information in the next few weeks but the one part that drew my attention is the elevation chart:

It's not that imposing but and pretty much the whole first half of the race is on an incline. So it would probably be best if I start integrating hill workouts with that in mind.

I have updated the training schedule with a pre-training regimen. This is a basic plan that targets putting in somewhere beween 30 and 35 miles each week. I'll also try and get some track and hill work in there as well.

That said, I don't really want to feel I have to keep on the schedule at all. While I'd like the target mileage to stay the same, I intend to jocky around with the individual workouts as I see fit the day of.

The other concern would be pull-back weeks but that should be taken care of by the fact I will probably be out of town a substantial period of time during this phase. That will require shortened weeks which should fit perfectly in the training continuity.

The idea is to be completely physically ready for the "real" schedule to begin, to have a passing familiarity with all the workout types I plan to use and - this is the most important part - to not injure myself getting to the starting line.