Time: 42 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast, 60s, late morning run
Location: Miraflores/Barranco, Lima, Peru
Comments: I felt really terrible when I woke up on Thursday, not sick but not really well. The most likely culprit was overtraining and between my concerns for my knee and my worry of coming down with the dreaded grippe I skipped running. I didn't even leave the house, in fact.
And, although I was busy running around doing my work yesterday, I felt it safer to have two days off given how bad I felt the day prior.
So when I got out to run today I felt a little creaky. It wasn't a bad run - far from it, in fact - but I really had to push myself to stick with it. Aside from that it went very well. I had a strong pace that I was able to keep the whole way. It turned out to be much faster than I expected, as well.
No injury issues to speak of. My knee had zero problems at all. So I'll give it the ice today if I have a chance and then concentrate on being nice to it during the run tomorrow.