Time: 57.58 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast, 60s, morning run
Location: Miraflores/Barranco, Lima, Peru
Comments: Started out feeling achy from yesterday. I tried to keep it pretty slow as a result but decided to put a big hill in as well. As a result I put in a run closer to an hour than the 45 minutes I was intending.
Overall this one was work. I had to put my head down and get it done. I think part of the issue had to do with not eating a well as I should be, something I plan to address this week.
The hill was not pleasant either. While I met 'la bruja' on my terms yesterday, today I was her bitch. The ease I had ascending two weeks ago is nothing more than a fond memory at this point.
Other than the achy feeling, which I now attribute to the hill work rather than the extended layoff, the pain front seemed stable. I had a bit of soreness on the inside of the right knee at one point but it passed quickly.