Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Training Run

Distance: 7 kilometers (4.34 miles)
Time: 33.14 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast, 60s, morning run
Location: Miraflores/Barranco, Lima, Peru

Comments: Woke up achy from the two runs this week so opted to skip the speed work and put in a shorter run today - sans hills. When I got started I felt pretty peppy so I tried to put it into a good gear and stick to it. At first I considered putting in a 45 minute run as well.

It got tough about halfway through. Not 'I ain't got it in me' tough but 'time to get serious, boy' tough. I tried to keep my pace up but peg it at a rate that could let me finish the effort. I was trying to keep it at 3/4 race pace but I'm not very good at guaging that yet. 

I checked the watch at about 7K and saw I had passed the half-hour mark. I stopped there even though I think I could have finished out the 45 minute run if I tried. I decided not to due to the distance I did yesterday. Pushing too hard after that week off ain't the best idea, I don't think.