Sunday, July 15, 2007

Marathon Training Summary: Week 8

Time: 4 hours 20 min
Distance: 46 kilometers

Comments: Veerah veerah tahrd. Veerah tahrd indeed.After two weeks of intense training my body is feeling the toll of the miles. That's 56 miles or so over 14 days. The most I have done since the massive runs in December of last year that did me in. And lordy my bod is feeling it. Got a two-and-a-half hour nap in this afternoon quite by accident. I meant to rest a bit and get off my feet and POW - before I knew it - I was out.Given the lack of progress the prior month this has been a welcome relief but, at the same time, putting this much mileage on all at once is rather perilous. So I'm actually needing to be more wary of injury than when I was fighting off the litany of aches and pains.Injury update: Surprisingly, very little. Just a huge amount of exhaustion and the threat of a nice little bout with DOMS.
Since getting back into the training groove I've stumbled upon the musical creations of one DJ SteveBoy who produces a weekly podcast called podrunner. This is such a simple and brilliant idea I really am surprised no-one ever thought of it before. Podrunner is, essentially, a metronome for workouts. DJ SteveBoy creates mixes that have a strict beat-per-minute for the full hour of the podcast. You put it on and get on the pavement and let it set your pace for the full run.That's a big help on long runs when I personally have a tendency to vary my stride for the given song. Podrunner keeps me steady the whole way.Of course this is 100 percent dissociative running but, for this training schedule, that's fine for me.Anyhow, exactly two months of solid work left. I've gotten some good miles in the last two weeks but this is a pull back week. I'm planning to take it easy and recoup some of the benifits of the recent hard work