Friday, July 20, 2007

Training Run

Time: 30 min
Distance: 5 kilometers

Comments: A very nice little run, thank you very much.Instead of the planned 4 miles or so I just put int the regular half-hour. I'm being extra cautious this week and my left knee was feeling a bit achy all yesterday.Started cold and very slow but got into it very quick. By the halfway mark I was having to rein it in a bit, which is a nice change.


Hour: 11:30 a.m.
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Warm-up: none
Weather: cloudy
Temperature: 62 degrees
Humidity: 88 percent
Wind: calm
Location: Miraflores, Peru
Shoes: Brooks Trance
Con Musica

Injury update: A little big of Tibialis posterior discomfort but not too much, actually."