Sunday, July 29, 2007

Marathon Training Summary: Week 10

Time: 5 hours
Distance: 51 kilometers (32.7 miles)

Comments: A LOT of miles this week. My first time to top the 30 mile mark since last year. Although I was shooting to get regularly in the 50 miles per week range for the January marathon, I don't really plan to get this much above the 40 mile per week mark.But this week went very well. I was pretty responsive the whole way. Had a tough day, moved my extra off day to recover and came back blazin.

I also went to the grocery store and stocked up on munchies. Things are at the point that the calorie intake has to increase significantly.Overall, I feel good and I believe the rest of the training is doable. The ""parrot"" predictor is putting me at just more than a 4 hour marathon which, given my conservative estimates on mileage and pace, should put me right below that mark - my best hope for this race.

Injury update: There hasn't been any pain this week substantial enough, to call off a run or eve

A friend of mine has started marathon training using the format set by Jeff Galloway. I've given Galloway's main book Marathon: You can do it! a gander before and, I have to admit, I wasn't impressed.It's very typical of books written for novice runners in that it seems to feel the need to water down the instruction with some type of narrative, in this case a  group of runners and their progress through training for a marathon.The intent, I assume, is to create a personal connection for the new runner to help them over the psychological hump. This seems somewhat an outdated concept to me since today you have tons of very active message boards and fo