Sunday, August 19, 2007

Marathon Training Summary: Week 13

Time: 75 min
Distance: 13.5 kilometers (8 miles)

Comments: Well, the start of this week is proving to be just as crazy as the end of last week. But I'm going to get on the stick for my regular Tuesday start and try to put in the miles I would have done if I had kept to the plan. That means a bit more than two weeks ago and a bit less than next week which will feature the 20-miler.Of course if I get any aching or resistance from the legs in any degree, I fully am ready to sack it in and avoid doing something stupid again.My diet over the past several days has been atrocious and my sleep patterns have been disrupted at best and nonexistent at worst. I'm hoping to get over the hump by Wednesday and settle back into a bit of routine.