Thursday, July 13, 2006

Training Run

Distance: 5.5 kilometers (3.41 miles)
Time: 30 minutes (approx)
Surface: asphalt/concrete
Weather Conditions: cool, overcast, 60s, mid-morning run
Location: Miraflores, Lima, Peru

Comments: Horrible run. A complete disaster from start to finish. I really didn't feel into it from the beginning. I felt drained from the moment I woke up this morning and I knew it wasn't going to get any better during stretching which was an unpleasant chore.

But I got out the door and tried to focus and get a bit pumped for the run and I reached my usual starting point and... I forgot my watch. So I walked back home got the watch and started again.

I put in a good two kilometers when I stared to suspect that the early-run weirdness was not going to ease off today. I just could not get into a groove. So I resigned myself to cranking it out. I got to one of my landmarks to check my watch and... I forgot to start the chronometer.

At this point its a complete shambles. I just want to crank it out and get done. I set a geographic goal and just try and focus. But thats about the time the aches start. One in the side of my right foot and one in the left knee I felt for the first time yesterday.

I reached my turn around point and put in a few hundred meters more and threw in the towel. I simply was not going to make it work today and the knee pain was not letting up. I figured it better to pull back today and see if things improve any tomorrow.