Sunday, July 9, 2006

Long Run

Distance: 16.5 kilometers (10.25 miles)
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Surface: asphalt/concrete/dirt
Weather Conditions: overcast, cool, 60s, morning run
Location: Miraflores/Barranco/Chorillos, Lima, Peru

Comments: The long run of the week and one of my best efforts to date.

I treated the descent to the beach as the warm-up and then hit a regular pace and kept on it. I went out to the Playa La Herradura and turned it around. After a visit to La Bruja I took to the streets of Barranco before hooking back up the the Malencon to finish.

I felt in control the whole way and like I was regulating myself rather than just doing everything I could to get through it. At the end of it I actually felt like I could have gone further but, at the same time, not like I had skimped in any way.

I was a little anxious about it earlier because of the foot problems earlier in the week but i had no problems whatsoever. The fast run yesterday may have played in my favor, I don't know.

Equipment-wise, this was a good effort as well. My running pouch doesn't cause any problem when I wear it under my shorts, it's the slick material that permits it to slide around. The leg band has not been staying secure so I have stopped using it and not noticed any problems.

I used one of the gels my cousin sent me, Honey Stinger. It tasted a lot better than last one but still kinda weird. I had no lack of energy so I guess it works. It won't be until the 2 hour plus runs that I am going to really notice the difference.